Monday, June 30, 2008

Unable To Open PNG Or GIF File In Photoshop CS3

When opening the PNG or GIF (for some included JPEG as well) in Photoshop CS3. PS CS3 will not open the file but instead returns the error message "Could not complete you request because the file-format module cannot parse the file".
It is freaking troublesome, because you all know this two types of file is extremely important. PNG represent the quality and GIF for the animation stuff.
At first, I though my drive encounter problem. I did cleaner process. But still the same,

"Could not complete you request because the file-format module cannot parse the file".

Why This Kind of Problem Will Occur?
1. Saving file. For example, file name bnis. The orginal file typed is JPEG But you type "bnis.png" then you hit OK to save. As if can increase the pictures' quality. The answer is no. Keep in mind by doing this will not improve the picture quality itself.

2. Plug-In. Assuming "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" is not listed in the about Photoshop CS3 plug-in menu.

Solutions Based On The Above Problem
1. NEVER attempt to do that. You would confuse the applications. A fine example Photoshop.

2. Install IrfanView.
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]
After the installation. Find a PNG n GIF type of files, right click the files->Open With->click Choose Program...->Select IrfanView->Check the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file->click "OK".

Enjoy PS-ing. You won't interrupt by this problem again.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

How To Adjust YouTube Video Size

Original Size:

The Above Code:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

After Adjustment:

The Above Code:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en"><embed src=";hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" height="250"></embed></object>

How To Adjust YouTube Video Size?
Just simply change the figures. For example, width="250" height="250".
The adjustment of video size is to fit neatly into your page.

Tips-Do not always copy and paste everything.

Sunday, June 22, 2008









Saturday, June 21, 2008



超魅力!郑元畅、林依晨 2005 年戏剧代表作



配对指数百分百片头主题曲《Say U Love Me》(铁竹堂 Jason+南拳妈妈 Lara 主唱)


清新动人插曲《靠近一点点》(南拳妈妈 Lara 主唱之橘子汽水恶作剧版)

每天给你一个吻!让郑元畅、林依晨陪你度过 2006 年的每个日子

(参考文献: 好听音乐网)

01. Dream Waltz 故事从一封情书开始,看似梦幻华尔滋的浪漫开场…竟被当场拒绝!
02. Say U Love Me (湘琴求爱之片头主题曲,铁竹堂 Jason+南拳妈妈 Lara 主唱)
03. 遇到 (湘琴与直树之邂逅主题)
04. 爱情海 (直树之温柔主题)
05. 听见 (湘琴之暗恋心情主题)
06. Say U Love Me (Guitar Version)
07. 靠近一点点 (湘琴之越挫越勇主题,南拳妈妈 Lara 主唱)
08. 能不能 (直树与湘琴之雨中接吻主题)
09. 全世界的人都知道 (湘琴之单恋主题)
10. 和平世界 (Guitar Version)
11. 后悔 (阿金之失恋主题)
12. 恶作剧 (浪漫片尾曲,新人王蓝茵主唱)
13. Sky (爱情海英文版)

恶作剧之吻原声带 - 下载
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]

Dai-b Rules

The Rules

Don't Ask Dumb Question.
You need to ask me some lamer question that can probably be answered in 2 seconds had you opened your eyes in Google.
Dumb question will not be entertain.
You can refer to this post -

You must not complain. If you're unhappy, just don't use it. I'm doing free work and won't accept bitching.
If you own the rights to any of the following
# Audio
If you like the albums you've downloaded here, I encourage you to support the artists by buying their original records, merchandise or going to their music concerts.
# Video
# Images
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# Software
on Dai-b site, please contact me at Thank you.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons License

Attribution(BY) - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Noncommercial(NC) - You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works(ND) - You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

☑For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.
☑Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from me.
☑Nothing in this license impairs or restricts my moral rights.
☑You are allow to copy, distribute and transmit the work.

Cbox Rules
You must not spam or flam or troll. Otherwise, delete the message(s) or ban or both.

This page is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am not profiting from this site nor anything linked to this site. As you can see, it advertisement FREE.

(Rules are subject to change/be updated)
Updated: 21/06/08

Yui-Can't Buy My Love

Can't Buy My Love is the second album of Japanese singer and songwriter Yui. The album was released April 4, 2007 and reached #1 on the Oricon charts.

Track lists
01. How crazy
02. Rolling star
03. It"s all right
04. I remember you
06. CHE.R.RY
07. Thank you My teens
08. Umbrella
09. Highway chance
10. Happy Birthday to you you
11. Winding road
12. Good-bye days
13. Why?

To Download Yui-Can't Buy My Love - Here
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]

Friday, June 20, 2008





  李偲菘、李伟嵩、马玉芬、陈伟、曹格、F.I.R./阿沁、五月天/阿信、苏打绿/青峰、小宇、陈镇川、邬裕康 华语乐坛重量级音乐人联手打造






  【原谅我】,是同门师兄FIR的 阿沁 为萧敬腾精心打造的情歌。流畅的弦律线条带出副歌的(原谅我,原谅我不成熟),也是用萧敬腾的口吻去写出这种说不出口的情感,令人了解他沉默但却有丰富情感的一面,是一首非常好听,而且耐听的情歌。








  新锐创作歌手 小宇同学,也为萧敬腾写了一首传唱度高、渲染力十足的金属摇滚快歌【活着】,副歌部份如同情绪宣泄般的张力,展现出敬腾歌声的爆发力。歌词内容则是写给支持他的歌迷朋友们。










  【海芋恋】这首也是萧敬腾的创作歌曲。中版而青春洋溢的弦律,呈现出来的也正是21岁的他的内心世界。外表看似沉稳冷静,其实私底下还是个活泼的大男孩。当初因为比赛而创作的海芋恋,早已在网路上流传许久,这一次在同名专辑里特别加入这首当作bonus track,让喜爱敬腾的歌迷们能够好好珍藏!

01. 收藏
02. 王子的新衣
03. 原谅我
04. 奋不顾身
05. 疼爱
06. 多希望你在
07. 活着
08. 一辈子存在
09. 我在哭
10. Blues
11. 海芋恋 (Bouns Track)

萧敬腾《同名专辑》- 下载
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sendspace is the best way to send large files too big for email attachments to friends, family and businesses, anywhere in the world. We have grown to become the preferred file transfer network for millions of users.

sendspace is empowering people to*:
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* Send file-links to family, friends and colleagues
* Download big files at maximum available speed, without limits!
* Edit stored files and view statistics
* Limit file downloads by time or amount.
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* Link directly to files - no download page needed

sendspace Services

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Taken from:

To register sendspace - Here
Notes- If you register by using the link above, I will earn extra 100 points. Even better, Sendspace will give me 1000 points each and every time you purchase or extend a Max or Pro account.
Please register by using the above link.
Thank you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dai-b FAQ

Why Dai-b Blog Exist?
People ask questions. Some questions are asked more than once, twice, or a zillion times that why Dai-b exist. It easier for me when people are asking the same questions, I just copy the link from my blog and paste it to them. Second, to share.

Do You Take Special Requests?
On a general basis, I don't take special requests unless I know you personally. However, every once in a while, I may accept your request. :)

Do I need To Credits Your Shits?

Uploaded times?=Removing The Files
Once the file become an inactive for more than 3 times(excluded the 1st time), the file will be removed.
For examples,
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]
Uploaded times - [1, 2, 3]

Exception: All Naruto And Bleach Songs (Excluded OST) , Portable Photoshop will not be removed.

Why The Download Link No Longer Exist?
Because I removed the file after I uploaded 3 times(excluded the 1st time). This show the file is unpopular. I won't waste time to re-upload them for more than 3 times(excluded the 1st time). I will also delete the file in my storage. All you can do is ask Google for help. Or you can request me to upload, not guarantee that I will fulfill your request. =D

File(s) Expired. When Will You Upload Again?
It depends. If I'm free, I will upload the file immediately while I notice it. If I'm busy, I will upload the file in few days, few weeks or maybe even few months.

Can I Request Something?
Yes. You can. Please go to Suggestion Box.

Can I Report For Broken Link?
Absolutely. Please don't hesitate to inform me. You can report at the left column cbox. Thanks.

Can I Give Comment?
NO! You cannot give comment to my posts. I don't allow.

Where can I donate?

I have more questions

Updated: 14/06/08

Sunday, June 8, 2008



下一秒 谁会是你生命中的神秘嘉宾~~
  没听过披头四 嘴里不会唱着爱与和平
  没看过村上春树 脑中不会写出诗一样的梦境
  没遇见那个人 心中不会出现爱情
  现在的你 等待着谁闯进生命


  第一届星光大道冠军 全亚洲万众期待 首张个人专辑
  迷幻的 慵懒的 诗意的 摇滚的 态度的….
  终于等到 百变的林宥嘉


  陈小霞,林夕,李泉,施人诚,小宇,郑楠,陈信延等华语音乐顶尖创作人联手打造林宥嘉首张专辑,华研唱片大手笔宣传, 演唱会/签唱会双管齐下同时造势 人气买气一网打尽,目标2008歌坛新人王




  第一届超级星光大道场的冠军得主,万众期待的林宥嘉于2008年终于推出个人首张专辑《神秘嘉宾》。这是集结陈小霞、林夕、李泉、施人诚、小宇、郑楠、陈信延等优秀创作人的音乐专辑,除了高质素的音乐作品,就连企画、拍摄封面和MV等任何一个环节也尽善尽美。《神秘嘉宾》也是为了林宥嘉2008年5 月起在台湾举行三场的《2008迷宫巡回演唱会》作暖身。


01. 眼色
02. 神秘嘉宾
03. 爱情是圆的
04. 伯乐
05. 请说
06. 病态
07. 残酷月光
08. 慢一点
09. 心有林夕
10. 再别康桥
11. 传说

How To Remove ImageShack Rubbish Code

From this:
Image Hosted by


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Image Hosted by" border="0"></a>
<a href=";i=sakuraei6wf1.png"><
img src="
.jpg" border="0"></a>

To this:

<img src="">

What are the changes?
-Removed "Free Image Hosting" link.
-Left click disabled.

Why removing the code?
-Surely the picture will look neater.

Tip-Always observe the codes.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Spoiler Tag

Enable reader to have liberty to choose whether they want to see the contain hidden in the spoiler tag. By adding a spoiler tag, it also help load the page faster when the picture is hidden in the spoiler tag.

Example of Spoiler Tag


Spoiler Tag Codes

Change the "Your Text Here". You also can change the "Spoiler" title.

Example of without "Spoiler" Title

Your Text Here

Without "Spoiler" Codes
Just delete the "Spoiler" from the codes above.

Dai-b Announces Google 1st!